RGB 3081S, Winter 2002 Hebrew Poetry: Psalms  Michael Kolarcik, Fri 9-11

L. ALONSO SCHÖKEL,  A Manual of Hebrew Poetics,  Subsidia Biblica 11, Rome: 1988.  BS 475.2 .S8 v. 11
R. ALTER, The Art of Biblical Poetry, New York: Basic Books, 1985.
E.R. FOLLIS, ed., Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, JSOTSup 40, Sheffield: JSOT, 1997.
J .P. FOKKELMAN, Reading Biblical Poetry : an introductory guide, Louisville, KY: Westminster, John Knox Press, 2001.
S.E. GILLINGHAM, The Poems and Psalms of the Hebrew Bible, Oxford ; New York:
Oxford University Press, 1994.
D. GROSSBERG, Centripetal and Centrifugal Structures in Biblical Poetry, Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1989.  BS 1445 .S6G76 1989
J. KRAŠOVEC, Antithetic Structure in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1984.
J.L. KUGEL, The Idea of Biblical Poetry, Parallelism and Its History, New Haven: 1981. BS/1405.2/K83
D.E. ORTON, ed., Poetry In the Hebrew Bible : selected studies from Vetus Testamentum, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2000.
W.G.E. WATSON,  Classical Hebrew Poetry,  JSOT SS 26, 1984.
W.G.E. WATSON, Traditional Techniques In Classical Hebrew Verse, JSOTSup 170, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1994.
C. WESTERMANN, Praise and Lament in the Psalms, trans. K.R. Crim and R.N. Soulen, Atlanta: 1981.
D.N. Freedman, "Another Look at Biblical Hebrew Poetry," [Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, JSOTSup 40, Sheffield: JSOT, 1997] pp. 11-28.

Poetic texts to be studied:


Laments:  22, 63, 130, 142, (79).
Penitential:  51.
Trust:   23, 27, (46).
Royal:   20, 110. Memorization of Ps 130 or 23

Covenant:  81, 89:1-35.
Praise:   30, 66, (92).
Hymns:  8, 29, 48, 117.  Memorization of Ps 117
Wisdom:  1, 2, (139).

Exodus 15: 1-21, The Song of Moses

Course Information:

Mid-term examination: March 1st (Friday after reading week) memorization of Ps 130 or 23
Final examination:  April 19th (Friday of exam week) memorization of Ps 117 and previous Psalm from first part of the term, 23 or 130.

My office is located in the 15 St. Mary Street Building, number 202.  Office hours normally are TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 2 - 4 pm.  But feel free to make an appointment for other times or even drop in if I am free. The Regis College phone number is 416 922-5474 and my personal number is 416 963-4948. Email:  m.kolarcik@utoronto.ca
WebPage — http://ots.utoronto.ca/users/mkolarcik/