COVENANT AND DEUTERONOMY --- RGB 3351HF  2001, Mondays 9am, Michael Kolarcik

see the Laws of Hammurabi  see also Richard Hess


E. ACHTEMEIER, Proclamation Commentaries: Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, Philadelphia: 1978.
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R.E. CLEMENTS, God's Chosen People: A Theological Interpretation of the Book of Deuteronomy, London: 1968.
R.E. CLEMENTS, Deuteronomy: Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections, NIB 2, Nashville: Abingdon, 1994, pp. 269-552.
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Peter C. CRAIGIE, Deuteronomy, NIC, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1976.
Duane L. CHRISTENSEN, ed., A Song Of Power and the Power of Song: Essays on the Book of Deuteronomy, Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1993.
J. CULLEY, The Book of the Covenant in Moab, Glasgow: 1903.
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Norbert LOHFINK, Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, trans. L.M. Maloney, Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994.
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F.C. FENSHAM, "Covenant, Promise and Expectation in the Bible", TZ 23 (1967).
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D.N. FREEDMAN, "Divine Commitment and Human Obligation", Interpretation 18 (1964).
R.E. FRIEDMAN, The Exile and Biblical Narrative: The Formation of the Deuteronomiistic and Priestly Works, HSM 22, Chico: Scholars Press, 1981.
E. GERSTENBERGER, "Covenant and Commandment", JBL 84 (1965).
Edward GREENSTEIN, "The Formation of the Biblical Narrative Corpus," AJS Review 15 (1990) 151-78.
J. HARVEY, "Le 'rib-pattern' réquisitoire prophétique sur la rupture de l'alliance", Bib 43 (1962).
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H.B. HUFFMAN, "The Covenant Lawsuit and the Prophets", JBL 78 (1958).
Gary KNOPPERS, J. Gordon McCONVILLE, eds., -ing Israel and Judah: Recent Studies on the Deuteronomistic History, Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999.
J.G. JANZEN, "The Yoke That Gives Rest", Interpretation 41 (1987) 256-268.
M.G. KLINE, "Dynastic Covenant", WestminThJ 27 (1964).
M.G. KLINE, "Law Covenant", WestmThJ 27 (1964).
R. MARTIN-ACHARD, "La nouvelle alliance selon Jérémie", RThPh 3:12 (1962), also in [Questions disputées d'Ancien Testament, BETL 33, ed. C.H.W. Brekelmans, Leuven-Gembloux: 1974].
R. MARTIN-ACHARD, "La signification de l'alliance dans l'Ancien Testament d'après quelques travaux récents", RThPh 3:18 (1969).
F. Garcia MARTINEZ, ed., Studies in Deuteronomy in Honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994.
A.D.H. MAYES, "The Covenant on Sinai and the Covenant with David", Hermathena 110 (1970).
A.D.H. MAYES, The Story of Israel Between Settlement and Exile: A Redactional Study of the Deuteronomistic History, London: SCM, 1983.
A.D.H. MAYES, "Deuteronomistic ideology and the theology of the Old Testament." JSOT 82 (1999) 57-82.
A.D.H. MAYES, "Deuteronomy 14 and the Deuteronomic World View." In Studies in Deuteronomy. In Honour of C. J. Labuschagne on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. García Martínez, F., Hilhorst, A., Ruiten, J. T. A. G. M. van, and Woude, A. S. van der, 165-181. [Vetus Testamentum. Supplements 53. Leiden-New York-Köln: E. J. Brill, 1994].
A.D.H. MAYES, "On Describing the Purpose of Deuteronomy." JSOT 58 (1993) 13-33.
A.D.H. MAYES, "Deuteronomy 29, Joshua 9, and the Place of the Gibeonites in Israel." In Das Deuteronomium. Enststehung, Gestalt u. Botschaft, ed. Lohfink, Norbert, 321-325. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 68. Leuven: Univ.Pr., 1985.
A.D.H. MAYES, "Deuteronomy 4 and the Literary Criticism of Deuteronomy." JBL 100 (1981) 23-51.
A.D.H. MAYES, "Deuteronomy Law of Moses or law of God?." Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 5 (1981) 36-54.
S.D. McBRIDE, "Polity of the Covenant People, The Book of Deuteronomy", Interpretation 41 (1987) 229-244.
D.J. McCARTHY, "2 Sam 7 and the Structure of the Deuteronomistic History", JBL 84 (1965).
D.J. McCARTHY, "berit and Covenant in the Deuteronomistic History", [Studies in the Religion and History of Ancient Israel. VT 23 (1972)].
D.J. McCARTHY, "berit in Old Testament History and Theology", Bib 53 (1972).
D.J. McCARTHY, "Covenant Relationships", [Questions disputées d'Ancien Testament, BETL 33, ed. C.H.W. Brekelmans, Leuven-Gembloux: 1974].
D.J. McCARTHY, "Notes on the Love of God in Deuteronomy and the Father-Son Relationship between Yahweh and Israel", CBQ 27 (1972) 144-147.
J.W. McKAY, "Man's Love for God in Deuteronomy and the Father/Teacher - Son/Pupil Relationship", VT 22 (1972) 426-435.
G.E. MENDENHALL, "Covenant", Anchor Bible Dictionary I (1992) 1178-1202.
P.D. MILLER, "Moses My Servant, The Deuteronomic Portrait of Moses", Interpretation 41 (1987) 245-255.
W.L. MORAN, "The Ancient Near Eastern Background of the Love of God in Deuteronomy", CBQ 24 (1963).
W. MOST, "A Biblical Theology of Redemption in a Covenantal Framework", CBQ 29 (1959).
J. MUILENBURG, "The Form and Structure of the Covenantal Formulations", VT 9 (1959).
R.D. NELSON, "Deuteronomy 5:1-15, Readers and Hearers", Interpretation 41 (1987) 282-287.
E.W. NICHOLSON, "The Pentateuch in Recent Reseach: A Time for Caution," VTSup 43 (1991) 10-21.
E.W. NICHOLSON, "The Covenant Ritual in Ex 24:3-8", VT 32 (1982).
E.W. NICHOLSON, "The Interpretation of Exodus 24:9-11", VT 24 (1974).
E.W. NICHOLSON, "The Tradition in Exodus 24:9-11", VT 26 (1976).
Dennis T. OLSON, Deuteronomy and the Death of Moses: a Theological Reading, Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994.
Brian PECKHAM, History and Prophecy: The Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions, New York: Doubleday, 1993.
F.C. PRUSSNER, "The Covenant of David and the Problem of the Unity in Old Testament Theology", [Transitions in Biblical Scholarship, ed. J.C. Rylaarsdam, Chicago: 1968].
Rolf RENDTORFF, "'Covenant' as a Structuring Concept in Genesis and Exodus," JBL 108 (1989) 384-93.
P.A. RIEMANN, "Covenant, Mosaic", [IDB, suppl. vol, Nashville: 1976].
J. SCHARBERT, "'Berît' im Pentateuch", [Mél Henri Cazelles, 1981] 163-170.
John Van SETERS, "The So-Called Deuteronomistic Redaction of the Pentateuch," VTSup 43 (1991) 58-77.
M. TSEVAT, "The Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Vassal Oaths and the Prophet Ezekiel", JBL 78 (1959).
G.M. TUCKER, "Deuteronomy 18:15-22", Interpretation 41 (1987) 292-297.
J.T. WALSH, "From Egypt to Moab: A Source Critical Analysis of the Wilderness Itinerary", CBQ 39 (1977) 20y;33.
M. WEINFELD, "berith - Covenant vs Obligation", Bib 56 (1975).
M. WEINFELD, "berith", TDOT, vol. 2.
M. WEINFELD, "Covenant, Davidic", IDB, supp. vol., Nashville: 1976.
M. WEINFELD, "Deuteronomy and the Present State of Inquiry", JBL 86 (1967).
M. WEINFELD, "The Book of Deuteronomy", Anchor Bible Dictionary, II (1992) 168-183.
M. WEINFELD, Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East, Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995.
J.A. WHARTON, "Deuteronomy 16:1-8", Interpretation 41 (1987) 287-291.
C.F. WHITLEY, "Covenant and Commandment in Israel", JNES 22 (1963).
J. WIJNGAARDS, "Death and Resurrection in Covenantal Contexts (Hosea 6:2)", VT 17 (1967).


OFFICE HOURS: My office is located in the main building of Regis College, 15 St. Mary Street, # 202 (tel. 416 922-5474 ext.249, or 416 963-4948). I will try to make it a point of being in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 - 4 pm for discussions or clarifications. Otherwise I am also available by appointment. 
Due to my participation in the Colloqium on Catholic-Jewish Dialogue (Monday, Oct 22) class is cancelled on the Monday after reading week.
ASSIGNMENT:  1 term-paper, 3000-4000 words (12-15 pages timesroman 12pt).The paper is due on December 10th, the last week of classes. If someone would prefer to present their research in a seminar form of one hour (rather than a term paper) that is possible during the last two classes, Dec 3rd or 10th (at the most, two). 
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