Selected Bibliography

1) Commentaries and Translations:

F.I. ANDERSEN, Job: An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries; Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1977.

D. BERGANT, Job, Ecclesiastes, Wilmington: 1982.

E. DHORME, A Commentary on the Book of Job, trans. H. Knight, 1967.

Jürgen EBACH, Streiten mit Gott, Hiob, Teil 1-2, Neukirchener Verlag, 1995,1996.

E.M. GOOD, Job., Harper's Bible Commentary, ed. J.L. Mays. San Francisco, 1988.

R. GORDIS, The Book of Job: Commentary, New Translation, Special Studies, Moreshet Seires 2; New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1978.

N.C. HABEL, The Book of Job: A commentary, Philadelphia: 1985.

J.E. HARTLEY, The Book of Job, New International Commentary on the Old Testament; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988.

W.A. IRWIN, Job: Peake's Commentary on the Bible, London: 1962.

J.G. JANZEN, Job, Atlanta: 1985.

Carol A. NEWSOM,  The Book of Job, Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections, The New Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 4, Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.

M. POPE, Job. Introduction, Translation and Notes, Anchor Bible, vol. 15, N.Y., Doubleday, 1965.

H.H. ROWLEY, The Book of Job, 2nd edition; New Century Bible Commentary; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976.

Raymond P. SCHEINDLIN, The book of Job: translation, introduction, and notes, New York : W.W. Norton, 1998, 1999.

N. WHYBRAY, Job: Readings, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, JSOT Press, 1998.

2) Works and Studies on the Book of Job

L. ALONSO SCHÖKEL, "Toward a Dramamtic Reading of the Book of Job", Semeia 7 (1977) 45-61.

W.E. AUFRECHT, Studies In the Book of Job, SR Supplements 16, Wilfred Laurier University Press: 1985.

W.A.M. BEUKEN, ed., The Book of Job, Proceedings of the 42nd Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense, Aug. 24-26, 1993, Leuven: Leuven University Press: Uitgeverij Peeters, 1994. BS 1415.2 .B663 1994

Zachary BRAITERMAN, (God) After Auschwitz, Tradition and Change in Post-Holocaust Jewish Thought, Princeton University, Princton: 1998.

A. CERESKO, "The Option for the Poor in the Book of Job", Indian Theological Studies, 26 (1989).

Michael CHENEY, Dust, Wind and Agony: Character, Speech and Genre in Job,(Con BOT 36); Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1994.

D.J.A. CLINES, "The Arguments of Job's Friends", [Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature, ed. D.J.A. CLINES, JSOT Ss 19, 1982] 199-214.

D.J.A. CLINES, "Why Is There a Book of Job, And What Does It Do To You If You Read It?" [in W.A.M. Beuken, ed., The Book of Job, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1994) 1-20.

David CLINES, "Deconstructing the Book of Job," [in The Bible as Rhetoric, Martin Warner, ed., New York: Routledge, 1990] 65-66.

J.J. COLLINS, "Job and His Friends: God as a Pastoral Problem," Chicago Studies 14 (1975) 97-109.

D. COX, The Triumph of Impotence, Analecta Gregoriana 212, Rome: 1978.

Thomas F. DAILEY, "And yet he repents - on Job 42,6," ZAW 105 (1993) 205-09.

Thomas F. DAILEY, "Theophanic bluster: Job and the wind of change," Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 22 (1993) 187-195.

Thomas F. DAILEY, The Repentant Job: A Ricoeurian Icon for Biblical Theology, New York: University Presss of America, 1994.

A.A. DI LELLA, "An Existential Interpretation of Job", BibTB 15 (1985) 49-55.

N.M. GLATZER, The Dimensions of Job, New York: 1975.

E.M. GOOD, "Job and the Literary Task", Soundings 56 (1973) 470-84.

E.M. GOOD, In turns of Tempest, Standford: University Press, 1990.

E.M. GOOD, Irony in the Old Testament, {Jonah, Saul, Genesis, Isaiah, Qoheleth, Job} Almond Press, Sheffield: 1981.

L.H. GROLLENBERG, A New Look at an Old Book, New York: 1969.

G. GUTIÉRREZ, On Job -- God talk and the suffering of the innocent, trans. M.J. O'Connell, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1987.

N.C. HABEL, "Of Things Beyond Me: Wisdom in the Book of Job", Currents in Theology and Mission 10 (1983) 142-154.

Lowell K. HANDY, "The Authorization of Divine Power and the Guilt of God in the Book of Job: Useful Ugaritic Parellels," JBT 60 (1993) 103.

J.Gerald JANZEN, "On the Moral Nature of God's Power: Yahweh and the Sea in Job and Deutero-Isaiah," CBQ 56 (1994) 468.

René GIRARD, "Job as Failed Scapegoat," [in The Voice from the Whirlwind: Interpreting the Book of Job, Leo G. Perdue and W. Clark Gilpin, eds., Nashville: Abingdon, 1992] 185-207.

L. KAPLAN, "Maimonides, Dale Patrick, and Job XLII,6," Vetus Testamentum 28 (1978) 356-58.

Othmar KEEL, Dieu répond à Job: une interprétation de Job 38-41 à la lumière de l'iconographie du Proche-Orient ancien, introduction et traduction de l'allemand par Françoise Smyth, Paris: CERF, 1993 [Jahwes Entgegnung an Ijob, Vandenhock & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1978].

N. KING, "The hand of the Lord has touched me; Job, Qoheleth, and the Wisdom of Solomon", Way 22 (1982) 235-244.

A. LACOCQUE, "Job or the Impotence of Religion and Philosophy", Semeia 19 (1981) 33-52.

J.D. LEVENSON, The Book of Job in its time and in the twentieth century, Harvard University Press, Cambridge: 1972.

R.A.F. MacKENZIE, "The Transformation of Job", Biblical Theology Bulletin 9 (1979).

R.A.F. MacKENZIE, "The Purpose of the Divine Speeches in the Book of Job," Biblica 40 (1959) 435-445.

S. MEIER, "Job I--II: A Reflection of Genesis I--III," Vetus Testamentum 39 (1989) 183-193.

James E. MILLER, "Structure and Meaning of the Animal Discourse in the Theophany of Job," Zeitschrift für Alttestamentlische Wissenschaft 103 (1991) 418-421.

William S. MORROW, "Toxic religion and the daughters of Job," Studies in Religion/Sciences Religeuses 27 (1998) 263-276.

J. NASH, "Images of Job", Review for Religious, 42,1 (1983) 28-33.

B.L. NEWELL, "Job: Repentant or Rebellious", Westminster Theological Journal 46 (1984) 298-316.

Carol A. NEWSOM, "The Moral Sense of Nature: Ethics in the Light of God's Speech to Job," The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 15 (1994).

Dale PATRICK, "The Translation of Job XLII,6," Vetus Testamentum, 26 (1976) 369-71. | job 42:6

Dale PATRICK, "Job's Address of God," ZAW 91 (1979) 268-82.

D. PENCHANSKY, The Betrayal of God: ideological conflict in Job, Westminster/John Knox, Louisville, Kentucky: 1990.

Leo G. PERDUE, Wisdom in Revolt: Metaphorical Theology in the Book of Job, JSOT Supp Series 112, BIBLE AND LITERATURE SERIES 29, Sheffield: 1991.

Leo G. PERDUE and W. Clark GILPIN, eds., The Voice from the Whirlwind: Interpreting the Book of Job, Nashville: Abingdon, 1992.

J. David PLEIN, "Why Do You Hide Your Face?" Interpretation 48 (1994) 230.

R. POLZIN, D. ROBERTSON, eds., Studies in the Book of Job, Missoula: Scholars Press, 1977.

H. PYPER, "The Reader in Pain: Job as Text and Pretext," Journal of Literature and Theology 7 (1993) 111-129.

Henry ROWOLD, "Yahweh's Challenge to Rival: The Form and Function of the Yahweh-Speech in Job 38-39," CBQ 47 (1985) 199-211.

D.J. SIMUNDSON, The Message of Job, Augsburg Old Testament Studies, Minnesota: 1986.

N.H. SNAITH, The Book of Job, Its Origin and Purpose, London:1968.

W. URBROCK, "Reconciliation of Opposites in the Dramatic Ordeal of Job", Semeia 7 (1977) 147-154.

Gregory VALL, "The Enigma of Job 1,21a," Biblica 76 (1995) 325-342.

B. VAWTER, Job & Jonah - Questioning the Hidden God, Paulist, New York: 1983.

W. VOGELS, "The Inner Development of Job: One more look at Psychology and the Book of Job", Science et Esprit 35,2 (1983) 227-230.

W. VOGELS, "The Spiritual Growth of Job, A Psychological Approach to the Book of Job" Biblical Theology Bulletin 11 (1981) 75-80.

W. VOGELS, "Job a parlé correctment", Nouvelle Revue Théologique 112° ,#6, 1980.

W. VOGELS, Job, L'homme qui a bien parlé de Dieu, lire la Bible, Paris: Cerf, 1995.

W. VOGELS, "Job's Empty Pious Slogans," [in W.A.M. Beuken, ed., The Book of Job, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1994) 369-376.

John T. WILCOX, The Bitterness of Job: A Philosophical Reading, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: 1989.

David WOLFERS, Deep Things Out of Darkness: The Book of Job, Essays and a New English Translation, Grand Rapids: Wm.B. Eerdmans, 1995.

David WOLFERS, The Speech-Cycles in the Book of Job, VT 43 (1993) 385-402.

P. WOLF, May I Hate God?, Paulist Press, Toronto: 1979.

Roy B. ZUCK, ed., Sitting with Job: Selected Studies on the Book of Job, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1992.

Bruce ZUCKERMAN, Job the Silent: a Study in Historical Counterpoint, Oxford University Press, New York: 1991.

3) The Book of Job as Literature

Alan BOLD, Muriel Spark, London: 1986.

C.C. CAMBELL, "The Transformation of Biblical Myth: MacLeish's Use of the Adam and Job Stories," in Myth and Symbol, ed., Bernice Sloth, 1963.

Nancy A. FRANCISCO, "Job in World Literature", Review and Expositor 68 (1971) 521-533.

Robert FROST, A Masque of Reason, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1945.

Richard HAYES, "The Humanism of Crisis", Commonweal 70 (1959) 153-157.

Robert HEINLEIN, Job: A Comedy of Justice, New York: Ballantine (Del Rey), 1984.

R.E. HONE, ed., The Voice out of the Whirlwind: The Book of Job, London: 1972.

J. HYNES, The Art of the Real: Muriel Spark's Novels, Cranbury: 1988.

C.G. JUNG, Answer to Job, trans. R.F.C. HULL, Princeton: 1973.

Archibald MACLEISH, J.B., a play in verse, Sentry Edition; Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1958.

Joseph ROTH, Job, the story of a simple man, New York: Viking, 1931.

Neil SIMON, God's Favorite, New York: Random House, 1975.

M. SPARK, The Only Problem, London: 1984.

S. TERRIEN, Job: Poet of Existence, New York: 1957.

D. WALKER, Muriel Spark, Boston: 1988.

W. WHEDBEE, "The Comedy of Job", Semeia 7 (1977) 1-39.

Course Work and Assignments:

1) You are responsible for preparing the Hebrew text of Job (Job 1-2, 3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 19, 28-29, 30-31, 32-33, 38-39, 40-42 -- I have divided the text I would like you to prepare roughly into 12 segments of two chapters each so that you are able to prepare them accordingly for each class).

2) A major essay 25-30 pages due April 19th.

3) Doctoral students will be expected to lead one seminar discussion of an hour that may focus on the essay topic, (sections, topics and times to be determined in the first class) if there is space, other students may present a seminar.

INFORMATION: My office is located in the 15 St. Mary Street Building, number 202. My office hours are TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 2 - 4 pm. But feel free to make an appointment for other times or even drop in if I am free. By telephone you can reach me through Regis College 922-5474 or at 963-4948. I regularly look at my e-mail messages (  The webpage address is

Michael Kolarcik